This little guy did not want to sleep, I can't believe he stayed awake for so long. He just wanted to be held to sleep but as soon as he was set down wide awake he would be. I just love his big brown eyes, he is one very loved little boy. He sisters and brothers wanted to always be around him, it was very cute. I had a hard time picking favorites, so here is just a few different shots.
I love that we are finally having nice summer weather here. Give me a couple of weeks I am sure I will be begging for the cooler weather, but for now I love it. We went on a nice long walk today so they could play at the park. Now we passed a couple of parks on the way but this one is their favorite. I am proud of my kiddos for making it about 2 miles just to get there.
This week is "All about Babies" over at I heart Faces. This little girl is so cute, but her parent are both gorgeous so she had to be cute. I love how peaceful babies look when they are sleeping, I mean how I wish I could get that much sleep or even a few hours of great sleep. If you want to check out more pictures go over to I HEART FACES and check it out.
Over at I Heart Faces it is Play week, and we sure love to play. The summer for us is all about water, my husband and I LOVE to swim. It is something we want both of our children to love also. I think we are in the water almost every day. Go over to I Heart Faces to see more play photos..
I took my little kiddos out on a little photo shoot, we spent about 15 mins at the most taking pictures. They were having to much fun trying to find more deer. It was a beautiful morning, and there were deer everywhere. I really love all the different expressions my little girl makes, she just cracks me up. She is never amused with me taking her pictures. My little boy on the other hand was all about posing and he would have kept going..