This little girl is such a cutie, but she really hated to be naked. Really though she was such a sweet baby, she just wanted to be held and be close to her mom. We did get some great pictures though, here is just a good sneak peek.
I love this family,they are seriously so much to hang out with. It was freezing outside, and getting dark fast (oh how I hate daylight savings). So we made it quick outside, but I love how they turned out, plus it ended up being such a pretty place to do their pictures.. This is just a little sneak peek, I still have to edit the rest..
This is just a fun sneak peek, these are just a few of the ones I loved that I hurried and edited. There are so many cute one. She did so great, and was such a trooper. It is so hard at this age for them to want to just sit a take pictures, they just want to explore everything. I hope you like them..
Just a few more of the A family, I love these one, especially in the faded coloring. I don't know why but I just love the look of it with all the fun fall colors.