This little girl is such a cutie, but she really hated to be naked. Really though she was such a sweet baby, she just wanted to be held and be close to her mom. We did get some great pictures though, here is just a good sneak peek.
I love this family,they are seriously so much to hang out with. It was freezing outside, and getting dark fast (oh how I hate daylight savings). So we made it quick outside, but I love how they turned out, plus it ended up being such a pretty place to do their pictures.. This is just a little sneak peek, I still have to edit the rest..
This is just a fun sneak peek, these are just a few of the ones I loved that I hurried and edited. There are so many cute one. She did so great, and was such a trooper. It is so hard at this age for them to want to just sit a take pictures, they just want to explore everything. I hope you like them..
Just a few more of the A family, I love these one, especially in the faded coloring. I don't know why but I just love the look of it with all the fun fall colors.
This was such a fun family, I had a blast and we used every last bit of light we could. I love this picture you can see the sun setting off behind the mountains. I also love that you can't tell how dark it really was. I have more that I love but I am still editing so this is just a little sneak peek for now.
This family was so much fun to work with, and the kids are just adorable. It was pretty chilly when we started out, but it warmed up pretty fast. The only down side was how wet and muddy everything was because of all the rain, but we made it work and found some awesome places to take pictures.
This one just makes me laugh, you can tell by the look in her face she was done and just wanted to run around and play.
This was a really fun and fast session, plus I learned so much about sports. Things I thought were right, were completely wrong. He totally schooled me.. I can honestly say he knows way more then I do about most sports, he is very well rounded in all of them. I loved how they turned out..
This weekend I decided that it would be fun to take the kids out for a fun little photoshoot. My hubby even came along, so it was nice to have help and he held my reflectors for me. That was AWESOME, so I could get the perfect lighting. I love all the fall colors this time of year it was so beautiful.
Then when we came home we played around and took a few more.. They were only into the pictures for just a minute, but I think we got a few cute ones..
The last one is my favorite, my little man trying to show me his big muscles..